
Location and  Worship Service Times

Map to find us

Pastor: Rev. Manish Shirlay
Address: 25 Wesley Road, off Hwy 47
Peralta NM 87042-8450
Phone: (505) 865-9334

Church e-mail: peraltachurch@peraltamethodist.org — or peralta.methodist25@gmail.com

SUMMER SCHEDULE:  Sunday School at 8:45 am Worship service at 10:00 am   — for the months of JUNE and JULY.  

You may also take advantage of the live streaming and/or recorded versions of the worship service, on YouTube.       Please find the channel by going to the
direct link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSc430_wNcUi_tGp1u1D-qA.



Nursery is available on Sunday mornings beginning at 8:45 am  for children ages 6 months to 4 years

Sunday School  – begins at 8:45 am  (JUNE and JULY)
Children – Kindergarten through 5th grade
Youth class – 6th grade through high school
Adults – several classes available

AfterShock Youth Group – 6:00 pm-8:00 pm

Business Office Hours  – 

       Mondays-Thursdays 8:30 – 11:30, (Lunch break)–then open from 12:30 -3:00 pm.

Voicemail is always available if you’d like to leave a message.  Someone will respond as quickly as possible.