
AFTERSHOCK YOUTH GROUP …will return to meeting on Sundays beginning February 16th.  Meeting time is from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.  Dinner served first, followed by Bible study and games.  All youth, ages 7th grade through 12 grade are more than welcome.  Middle School and High School ages — tell a friend….bring a friend….  Please join us!!!

Peralta Methodist Church is pleased to welcome the NMSU Extension service cooking class Saturdays in February (beginning Feb 8th) and March 1st.  If you want more information about registration please contact them at 505-865-3002.

Children’s Ministry – annual VBS SuperBowl fundraiser on February 9th in Fellowship Hall — come support VBS by choosing a delicious baked treat or yummy snack — and enjoy the football game, or a movie.  (Valentine’s Day goodies will be featured too)


FOOD PANTRY –   The food pantry is open on Mondays from 9:30 am to 12 noon.  People living within the Los Lunas School District boundaries are welcome.            (This institution is an equal opportunity provider.)